WordPress classic editor!

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Add New the drop menu has classic editor for a new post. If somehow there is a trick for editing existing posts with it that would be nice, ….

Wait a minute, now classic editor is back for old posts …. Hmmm….. maybe someone is listening!   IS EVERYONE GETTING CLASSIC EDITOR BACK?

Thanks to our community member commenting below “Respect” we may stick around a little longer.

WE REFUSE TO SUCCUMB TO THE BLACKMAIL BY WORDPRESS.COM and we will not write another article other than this notice and a note of where we have moved to in protest to the blackmail WORDPRESS.COM is using upon us. How is this for advertising?

For some months now wordpress introduced a very horrible way to edit, which I am using now, and made it really hard to start a document, then exit, then edit it with the traditional very functional editor they now call Classic.

Since not enough people I suppose adopted it or bought a subscription to the site, they now removed the classic editor and made it available as an “addon” feature to the paying subscribers. Decisions about “how to make money” are hardly challenged by logical/rational arguments, they are solely made by the money maker.

If hundreds and hundreds of readers every day of the year who visited this site, getting exposed to all this wordpress advertising, wasn’t enough of payment to provide us with “classic editor addon” (what wordpress was like for the past 10+ years) then we must make our own decisions and somehow end this relationship before it turns more abusive and exploitative.

Till we locate a healthier host for the site, feel free to comment and contribute here.  An obvious notice will also be posted unless WordPress decides that part of the extortion scheme they are exercising will be to disable the site all together.

1 thing is for sure, the next site will not be using wordpress, not because it is poor software but because the owners of this software are using such methods, like common street thugs or the mafia. Even the mafia in most respects doesn’t act this way. Our loss your gain (wordpress), our gain your loss! That makes a very poor partnership and an abrupt end of such partnership.

We call upon the wordpress.com bloggers who share the same reaction to join us in protest against this extortion.


16 thoughts on “WordPress classic editor!

    • Thank you, and I agree. Not everything based on the US is jeopardized and useless. So riseup has shown no signs of decay since 99 (or was it a little later ;). The reasons for defending this is not technical in nature, and technical attacks can not bring down a fort. The reasons for this defense of this fort is political. The political costs would have been too high to bring down or “draw attention to” something like riseup. This is often an important detail missed by many politically minded tech-people who focus on technical defense of their creations.

      indymedia though is a lost cause. As far as the choice that was made to bring the dns behind corporate firewalls and require open scripts to access any of their sub-sights … the political choice should have been to shut it down, instead of handing out to corporate hawks millions of activists globallly. Those sub-sites that also accepted this decision and continued as “business as usual” are doubly suspect for their decision making. If you can’t read html and write into a form without java and other scripts running by a 3rd party on your browser, how dare you call this “indy-media”.

      Long live riseup


  1. Hello sysdfree-editor,

    Ho, well, I know that American people now go through some dark times as well us from European countries in some ways.

    A very few bunch of people try to force their progressive views of the world who have nothing to do with the real world and try to get advantage against real people who are actually suffering but it’s not really the subject.

    Yes we are not anonymous over the Internet, and we have to pay attention to what we are saying nowadays because of these liberals who may harass you with no mercy and no redemption just for a single word higher than the other, as free speech is not protected anymore.

    We cannot use social medias as well as “free” providers today because of the ideological deviance of our society.

    But we can still have our own protected space to express our opinions in some ways.

    Obviously, this kind of solution costs a few bucks but set you free from these unpleasant people if your words remain clever and moderate.

    Maybe I’m wrong, but I think that Systemd and other controversial projects are just creatures from people who try to keep their job position at all costs. They don’t care about the interests of the Community and can change they mind in a blink of an eye if needed so we just can’t trust them.

    This is why we must keep a consistent way to run our systems that will be resilient in the future and avoid those freaks.

    And like you do here on this site, we who know have to tell to other people who don’t know that there is another way to do the things far away from the “matrix” those people are trying to lock us down into.

    But if they don’t want to accept that there is another way after that, it’s their loss.



    • I’d like to skip over the contradiction of “progressives and the real world”, it sounds a bit too Trumpesque of a statement, sorry. Not enough data for me to process, and I don’t really sell anything here to have to worry about losing customers.

      But I would like to comment on the illusion of things like systemd/freedesktop being pure products of “individuals”. You can’t hardly find two people to agree on details of anything to do things together, let alone 3, or 3 hundred, or 3 thousand, and we are talking about IBM here. Only peons would fall for the fairy tale of success of RH, recognized by the giant and purchased AS-IS-WHEREIS and allow ANYONE, in there to do as they please. This entire enterprise for more than a decade was organized, financed (see money laundering that is legal and allowed globally between large corporations – the passive passing of subcontracting as “gifts” to finance someone) and “plotted” by IBM, who had a choke hold on anything RH did or didn’t do. Puppet CEOs know exactly what is good for them.

      This is one of the largest sets of blobs the unix world has ever seen. It is now expanding into kernel functionality, or the linux-foundation whistling corporate choices to employee functionality already developed by the sys-d gang. All the way to the desktop and in all layers in between, wayland, pulseaudio, even pipewire, gnome, …etc…

      Those are not choices of “individuals” who want their Jaguar and heated swimming pool, those are well orchestrated and conducted symphonic orchestras to achieve “a goal”. A goal set by bean counters advising the board of IBM on how to proceed for the next decade or two and be able to be in the fore-front of globally financed market of government agencies and large organization computing needs. You can’t escape this totalitarianism plot.

      “HE” who provides adequate military protection and guarantees for IBM’s financial interests and wealth “HE” may have access to all of its global systems of information. Nobody else!

      And you want to reduce this argument as a few bad programmers who want to protect their personal interests. There is organization of people who share interests, we shouldn’t miss the forest for looking at trees. Any coder, no matter how decorated and important he may seem, is just another bug in a windshield of an armored limo traveling through town at twice the speed limit with stealth aerial support.

      I am open to discussion as long as we are basing the discussion in rationality and not wishful fairy tale thinking, of the glorious super-programmer who turned rogue to satisfy his personal kinky tendencies. Capitalist dictatorship is a very rational system. It will progress as far as it is allowed to, even to destroy humanity and earth.


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