Search term that lead someone to sysdfree (this site)

In most cases there is not much to talk about.  The vast majority is people seeking information on distributions that use init systems other than systemd.  In most cases people end up looking through the list of distributions, occasional reading specific stories on a specific distribution or a general review.  It is not very often out of the thousands of hits to get any feedback in what else people might be interested in that we can provide information on.  But here is a search that breaks our monotony.

fedora without systemd”

We don’t want to make fun  of whoever was running the search, after all, it is a possible combination of variables across the open and free/non-free universe of linux and non-linux unix world.  What would be impossible to search for would have been systemd without systemd.  Even redhat without systemd is a possibility.  Continue reading

Obarun on the Linux Hall of Fame (distrowatch)

Obarun is now portrayed in Distrowatch

Obarun seems to have started back in the summer of 2015, so it is nearing three years of age, but few people know about it.  The name came from a combination of Openbox Arch and Runit, its initial init system.  Although the live image’s window manager has changed to JWM due to size, the init system soon after Obarun’s inception changed to S6. Continue reading

Meet Obarun with s6 init & supervision

The goal of Obarun is to provide an alternative for people looking for more simplicity and transparency in maintaining their systems. Obarun is not designed with beginners to Linux in mind.

On other note, Obarun is neither a distribution of its own, nor is it pure Arch-linux, it’s a Build Concept. Obarun is based on Arch-linux, but incorporates several changes.

For the moment Obarun is only available for x86-64 architectures, but allows 32bit applications to run on 64bit systems.

Systemd replacement is made by S6 supervision suite as init and service manager.
Continue reading

While on Devuan do as Dev1ers do

A great aspect of Devuan is its inherent stability and resistance to security bugs that become well well known throught the linux community way before they reach even the testing part of the distribution.  In this respect Devuan is one up on security even from the mothership, Debian, as Jessie is still stable on Devuan.  So between 2-3 months in lag it is even more secure than Debian.  When a security bug appears and a fix is produced it flows down to stable and in the future old-stable, in a matter of hours of updating the mirrors.  When testing (ascii) becomes stable (the parallel of Stretch) which might only be a few weeks from now, and for about the next couple of years this will be the true Devuan, Devuan 2.  Jessie will still have at least 3 more years of support. Continue reading

After installing artix

Well, I did, and the first thing I missed was the ease of browsing through packages and installing them.

You can manage to download, build, and install pamac-aur which will allow you to still browse through both artix and AUR packages, and be notified of updates.

But you will need to install them using pacman or yaourt.  So for me they were among the first things I downloaded and installed.

Update 12 Aug 2017   ==>  The great team of Artix developers, although initially not focusing on desktop environments, they have heard the users’ request for a functional Pamac package manager and have delivered.  As of the latest update pamac on Artix works even better than did on Manjaro.  2 thumbs up!!

Feel free to comment on alternatives as I am continuing my research.

When the official site is available the contents, the backup of this site, will go to the admins and this site will close.

Till then it may serve as an artix community exchange of information and experience.