IBM’s systemd attempt to pull the plug on distros using eudev

libgudev is a low level library that bridges connections between udev and graphic stuff (Gobject) and hasn’t been a problem in the past building it with libeudev instead of its own libudev from systemd.

Edition 238 comes out and specifies in code the udev version limit to 251 or higher, with a specific function checking this in the code provided by a similar function in udevd.  Gnome team is the one publishing ibgudev, so you can’t expect to talk sense into them.  The eudev project recently, carried over from the abandoned Gentoo project, is built on 243 edition.

As described by someone on the open issue of eudev the problem is: Continue reading

On the discussion about elogind and dbus “hate”, is there reason?

A vivid discussion has broken out between members of the community, whether q66 considers her/himself one or not is not our prerogative to define, or exclude anyone, about the hardcore stance against FOSS pests such as systemd, elogind, dbus, udev, etc.  So since the topic of discussion is very specific it would have been best if a topic addressed the specific issue, which is irrelevant to whether Chimera Linux belongs on a strict list of distributions without systemd or not.  The criteria about that list are very clear.  The criteria for the “gray” list are not very clear, but nobody really cares about this sloppy list of gray categorized distros, such as void, artix, and devuan. Continue reading

Is r/linux a cult of deranged hallucinogen addicts? Are they dangerous?

If you search reddit for r/linux and systemd you will find many more threads in the “removed” section than on the visible part.  Come to think about it, if one crossposted the removed threads into a new board called r/linux-removed it may become a much more interesting board for discussion than the temple of doom, r/linux.
But the above is one of those rare occasions where systemd is in the title of a thread in r/linux and was not removed.  Why?  Basically because anyone wishing to voice some form of criticism over the “holly cow” of industrial/corporate/state-security-agencies linux, gets the ax permanently and can not speak.  But how can they discuss the holly cow as deranged worshipers between themselves? 
The thread/article and discussion is probably more interesting from a psychoanalytic perspective (psychological/psychiatric interest) than a systemd administration perspective.

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How safe are you and how much do you trust your distro?

Except for a few distros that assist their users to build everything they install from source (kiss and forks, LFS and forks, gentoo and forks, crux, exherbo, T2-sde, etc), most linux-distributions, offer binaries to be installed, usually backed up by the source code (script) building the package from either their own source code, or what we call upstream (other FOSS sources).  How do you know though, that what the source repository shows and what the binary package contains is the same?  One way is to build it with the same recipe (packaging source script) and compare the sums.  Very few people do this and in very rare and controlled environments is the product the same, meaning checksums are identical (Arch is reporting 15-20% failure to reproduce their own packages).  So what most distros do is they sign their packages and by having their public signature key, you know what they built is what you got.  But are you sure they built it right, or did they take adequate measures to make sure what they pulled from upstream to build the package is what the author really published?  How can you check?

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Arch-linux building from source – and Obarun to the rescue

What if, there was a benefit in building from source, a system that is commonly used by pre-fabricated binary packages, like Arch or any of its forks and desktop flavors?  What Arch considers a “clean-chroot” is primarily of need to developers ensuring their package can be both satisfied for all dependencies AND are reproducible, as long as this can be achieved within a constantly rolling distribution.  That is open and nearly free condition for you.


Building in a clean chroot prevents missing dependencies in packages, whether due to unwanted linking or packages missing in the depends array in the PKGBUILD. It also allows users to build a package for the stable repositories (core, extra, community) while having packages from [testing] installed.

Scratch most of this for several reasons.  We are not developers, we are building our own system like Gentoo-ers, k1ss-ers, Crux-ers, and others do.  We want to make sure that each of our packages fits well within the parameters of our specific machine, and it wasn’t built on another machine that may not be 100% compatible to ours. Continue reading

antiX – runit – brief stop and onto s6 and 66 : How to

1st some history/background:
Back some time ago an alternative to sysvinit was developed called daemontools (look at sources below) and people liked it.   From “it” runit was cloned, very similar but started from scratch, to be as small, as light, as simple, and as responsive as hw itself.  Runit set some goals for its development, kept being refined and eliminating any bugs, it worked on as many architectures as people could get their hands on, and the chief runit man decided to put it to bed.  Runit has been frozen in time by its developer.  Don’t expect it to catch up with other system development unless Void decides to clone it and develop it on their own, which in some ways they already do, but it is more polishing up the existing runit.

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Where to move to after Arch-Linux-based non-systemd systems?

VD, HIV, STD, Zstd

The deeper issue here is “what is the relationship of Arch-Linux and Orwell?”

Two of the most common intrusive sites reported by linux users that are placed on top of the list of a firewall, so nothing goes in and out between their machine and those sites’ servers, are Google and Facebook.  Google on the one hand, in order to play nice against the free/open software community, has been contributing resources, information, and free/open software to improve their image.  MS purchased github, IBM purchased RedHat, or should we say they made their relationship more formal.  Some developers have fallen for it.  Facebook on the other hand is notorious of flooding the machines of their innocent and unsuspecting users with questionable code.  Facebook not only knows who you really are, what you really like, what you think and what you are interested in, in the vast majority of cases they know in real time your exact location and may even have the capability of keeping track of your moves.  Simply if you have an account on facebook and accessed it once through your “smart” phone, they know.  If you access facebook from your desktop, but on smart phone you only use your google account, they know.  They, they, who is they?  If you are really asking we can go on comments for as far as you can take it. Continue reading

Keep It Simple Stupid Linux, Kiss for short


I’d like to inform you about my new Linux distribution called KISS.


Independent (not based on anything else).
Source based (like gentoo or crux).
Busybox coreutils.
Busybox init (busybox includes runit style services, sysvinit style services or plain shell scripts)
Musl libc.
No dbus.
No pam.
No polkit.
No systemd.
No gettext/intltool.
Packages compile without Telemetry/tracking.

Dylan Araps

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Update 02/22/2020

by Oneirosopher:


Hi yee all,

I’m not in charge of KISS Linux, just interested by this distro –which I have not installed by the way.

The link to KISS Linux is broken. The former site seems abandoned. Please now follow:

It seems that the same Dylan has also conceived neofetch & sowm


Penetration testing (pentesting) distribution without systemd

Interesting inquiry that has lead searchers to this site for an answer but hasn’t yet specifically been answered.  So I will take a shot at answering this.

Basically, and as far as I know, there is a Gentoo based distribution specific to this task and as it is based on Gentoo it is easily free of systemd, although if you really like systemd I am pretty sure you can have it on Gentoo.  This narrows down to options based on Debian (kali and parrot), and Arch (blackarch and archstrike).    There may be others we don’t know of yet. Continue reading

Adélie Linux – work in progress I’d like to draw your attention to a young and promising project called Adélie Linux.  Adélie Linux is a Free, Libre operating system based on the Linux kernel. Their goals of full POSIX® compliance, built on musl compatibility with a wide variety of computers, and ease of use without sacrificing features set them apart from most other Linux distributions.  Sysvinit, openrc, and S6 are available to customize your installation to specific needs.  Adélie Linux is also independent and built from the ground up, not based on major distributions (Arch, Debian), or Gentoo, or Alpine, as some will immaturely conclude.

Download 1.0-BETA1

Edit Dec 22 2018 – Adelie 1.0-beta2 is now available and possibly the last step before the first stable Adelie 1 is released.

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A year has passed and systemd is still around

There couldn’t be a better birthday gift to than an active community participation as in the dbus exorcism thread that has an active discussion on the project.

A year has gone by and the “service daemon” systemd is still prevalent in the number of linux distributions; we can’t speculate on the number of users.  So we are not as effective and as “organized” as a community to defeat it yet.  Therefore we must try harder.  We should take a step back though and assess the status and development of the community consciously striving to stay away from systemd, its derivatives, and its relatives. Continue reading

Will your installation work without dbus? by: Anti-DBus

Remove DBus, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit, PAM, new udev, systemd, freedesktop cancer

by: Anti-DBus

Greetings. I have completed a successful DBus removal. Stragglers were ghostscript-gpl, which was removed, cups, which was also removed and all the dependent programs recompiled to live without it, changing it for lprng (the old Berkeley printer spooler, updated), barring icedtea-bin, which was changed to icedtea and built without any build time dependency, sgt-puzzles (removed), winetricks (sadly removed), qtwidgets (all the programs that needed it were recompiled to not to), qtbittorrent (changed for rtorrent as rutorrent has php and bloat), libreoffice (changed for openoffice-bin, as amazingly it doesn’t have need for dbus or even GTK3; it was chosen to avoid sketchy Chinese poor support and paid support office suites such as WPS and Softmaker), notification-daemon (I actually never used it for anything, ever, as redshift pops up its icon without a notification), nvidia-drivers (recompiled without tools), and such. Continue reading