syslog-ng how long have logs being accessible by your sys-admin?

Interesting discussion taking place in a r/joborun thread about building syslog-ng without systemd and telemetry!

What is interesting is that the author of syslog-ng took notice of the article and responded himself defending his choice.

This may continue so visit the link directly but here are the first two responses to the article:
users of syslog-ng beware …. telemetry is coming! Not from skarnet
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Obarun alone employing a new paradigm of software building?

About the most outdated software in Obarun is s6 and 66.  The first stack from skarnet is about 4-5 versions behind on each piece, who knows why, maybe no time to test the changes?  The next, if it was rebuilt on top of skarnet’s latest stable stack maybe it would fall apart?  It hasn’t for Joborun after several rebuilds.  But the aging 66 hasn’t received much attention in recent time, many commits but no release for nearly 2 years now.  The next release will make your known 66 appear as very different software all together.  All documentation written in the past will have to be re-written, all procedures and commands changed, all options and ways of doing things will be new.  And new is always better!!  Right?  Right?

What is new in Obarun is the way packages are being built.  No longer labor intensive processes of overseeing bumps on software editions, it is all algorithm triggered.  How?  Since obarun chases arch-stable behind, as soon as a package placed on the new system is bumped by arch, the previous arch pkgbuild is contrasted against the new, its differences from obarun are saved in a patch file, and the patch is applied to the new pkgbuild.  Then the software is placed on the builder, tested that it is built without errors and warnings, and then placed on the repo.  Continue reading

antiX 23 next stable based on debian’s bookworm is here already

antix-23-beta2-iso-files-for-testing/ (release announcement and sourgeforge or is it sourceforce .. repository of images)

Based on the announcement above we tested the runit based full image with an urge to hunt and find something to criticize, constructively of course.  We uninstalled some things we don’t like, even when they work right, installed some others, openbox, pcmanfm, lxterminal, conky, and everything worked.  No elogind, no dbus running, no polkit, no automount or auto.. anything.  Then we flipped repos to sid, where things are expected to be exciting.  A beta release, and unstable repositories, which defeats the purpose of testing bookworm (testing repo a few weeks ago for Debian) … but you can only test antiX to a certain point before it gets too boring. Continue reading

On the discussion about elogind and dbus “hate”, is there reason?

A vivid discussion has broken out between members of the community, whether q66 considers her/himself one or not is not our prerogative to define, or exclude anyone, about the hardcore stance against FOSS pests such as systemd, elogind, dbus, udev, etc.  So since the topic of discussion is very specific it would have been best if a topic addressed the specific issue, which is irrelevant to whether Chimera Linux belongs on a strict list of distributions without systemd or not.  The criteria about that list are very clear.  The criteria for the “gray” list are not very clear, but nobody really cares about this sloppy list of gray categorized distros, such as void, artix, and devuan. Continue reading

Joborun vs Obarun linux

The surface:

obarun  stands for OpenboxRunit … but has been the home for arch based s6 implementation with tools (currently 66) to make s6 less hostile to MOST users of linux.  Runit only lasted a few weeks before s6 was implemented and runit dumped.  Currently featuring a graphic installer of base, openbox, jwm, xfce4, and plasma desktops and a setup of s6/66 to get you going.

joborun stands for JwmOpenBoxObarunRunit, so it is everything Obarun can be, plus runit that can coexist and alternatively boot instead of s6/66, but also replaces most core Arch pkgs with ones built in vaccuum of systemd/logind/udevd.   Currently not including an installer, or an iso image, but an old fashioned tarball of the base and instructions on how to make it a bootable system within minutes.  Joborun is basically a source based distro, although it provides 2 tarballs, base system, and builder system, and binary repositories of all packages it provides source for.  You always need a binary system to build your binaries, joborun just makes the process easier and quicker, without frustrating fails. Continue reading

Is r/linux a cult of deranged hallucinogen addicts? Are they dangerous?

If you search reddit for r/linux and systemd you will find many more threads in the “removed” section than on the visible part.  Come to think about it, if one crossposted the removed threads into a new board called r/linux-removed it may become a much more interesting board for discussion than the temple of doom, r/linux.
But the above is one of those rare occasions where systemd is in the title of a thread in r/linux and was not removed.  Why?  Basically because anyone wishing to voice some form of criticism over the “holly cow” of industrial/corporate/state-security-agencies linux, gets the ax permanently and can not speak.  But how can they discuss the holly cow as deranged worshipers between themselves? 
The thread/article and discussion is probably more interesting from a psychoanalytic perspective (psychological/psychiatric interest) than a systemd administration perspective.

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Top 10 best Desktop Environments for 2022 Linux and against Linux

First we should explain the reason for the title, then we should explain why has this become a trendy catchy titling of pseudo-media, what is pseudo-media, who they serve, and how can there be real linux development without this consuming black hole?

How were desktop environments conceived and developed, and why were they developed?  Many technical reasons:

1   as hardware became quickly more able to display more complex graphics than the old text terminals, it became possible to display graphical images that weren’t drawn by grouping alphanumeric symbols together in lines, then digital drawings (CAD), then low resolution photographs that kept climbing in higher and higher levels, then video and high-fidelity audio.  Continue reading

systemd and ipv6 – why should it/they not be disabled? Ever?

This article is written on a reverse logic, starting from end and attempting to go towards the beginning, although we are not very clear on where to begin 😉

In the end of the article there is the reference article and direct quote of the error and why it is produced.  To sum it up, logind within systemd produces an error for a user process attempt to start an X session process through an ipv6 connection.  Although our allergic reaction to the fact the author on this article speaks in general about linux and displays a systemd related error, we will bypass this detail for the content’s importance.

error: Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket

Now why does X get compiled with its own networking abilities?  Because “some people” like to get X access to the machine remotely.  A problematic reason on its own, but we are not here to solve all of the world’s problems.  It is systemd complaining because sshd is not working right, it prevents a remote ipv6 connection, but logind is there to make sure that a proper connection is made when it should.  Many other pieces of software have their own parts of ipv6 networking functionalities and abilities.  Hmmm,…… !!!  Scratch …scratch … why should they?  Should they not?


Yours, mine, … my ISP’s, …..?   It has taken nearly 2.5 decades (since 1998) to transition from ipv4 to ipv6. Continue reading

Can you build ARCH from source? Let’s see!

Apart from the object to build arch minimal base without systemd and its libraries, the idea or question that came to mind was whether you can build all your packages from the Arch recipes. Since Artix now is autonomous and relies on its own software base, not Arch, the same question applies, and I suppose the same applies to Manjaro. Most of the core pkgbuilds in Artix are just copies of Arch. Systemd may not be there but many of its libraries or pieces are still there. But let’s say you just want to build Arch, authentic and 100% true arch.

The short answer is NO!
The long answer is explained here:
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udevd is dead, long live mdevd – libudev-zero shines bright

Getting close to our 4year birthday here and what more reason to celebrate than cutting one more tie to the IBM’s monolithic bloatware that is shoved down our throats by agents of dependence and control.

Thanks to the revamping of Kiss and its new commitment to independence, to offer a way to such independence, we noticed a tragic neglect of reality.  We started talking about independence from systemd, and all we thought it was necessary was to substitute pid1 for an alternative.  100 distros later, and many forks, seem to be systemd-free.  Some solutions pre-existed and worked, some fresher were hardly tried. Then came the substitution to systemd’s logind by consolekit2.

Then came the realization that not using systemd init, but using dbus and elogind, was the next worst thing to be doing, and while more and more non-systemd distros (on our long list) didn’t use systemd, they used – or later adopted elogind (void, slackware, and our beloved adelie, even antiX is using it here and there).  So beyond pid1 those systems were business as usual.  We then focused on the next best alternative, consolekit2 (which is recently receiving fresh attention) or not using it and dbus at all, which is fine for most of us wm, teminal, consoles users.

Now, as Kiss points out, udev is another piece that behaves as an IBM monolith in linux and it is our task to evade its dependence.  Maybe then we can set ourselves free, not so fast slick you will trip on your own myth here!  Most X-server subsystems depend indirectly to what udev provides, and IN THE WAY UDEV provides it.

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Myth busted: Can you run sway/wayland’s i3 without systemd or elogind?

For those who want to skip the discussion and get right to it follow the steps at this README

For a while, we have heard this justification, among distributions that have refused systemd as init, that elogind was adopted as a necessity for running wayland which is the future of graphical desktops.  Some future this is, but anyway.  For Artix it was a day one decision, for Void and Adelie it has been a year or more, for Slackware a few months.  But it is only a handful of distros at this point that have totally refused the use of elogind and stick to consolekit2 (which was recently upgraded upstream unlike common myth that has it abandoned).  Consolekit2 can handle logind functionality but can’t provide seat management.  So there is seatd, a daemon that just does this.  So count the different functions, unrelated to each other, that systemd provides all in one huge blob. Continue reading

Releax OS review

by Jordan (sysdfree community member)

Finally I managed to setup a Releax OS usable installation, thanks to the support of the dev, a very nice and helpful guy.

First look: very beautiful, colorful xfce desktop, the system is based on openRC as init, elogind and glibc. Just another distro? Maybe, but at least it has its own package installer with a front-end (a software center called Bazaar) and an unusual specific path where apps are installed (the “apps” folder, something like Gobo Linux). However, this distro still needs lot of polishing.
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