systemd and ipv6 – why should it/they not be disabled? Ever?

This article is written on a reverse logic, starting from end and attempting to go towards the beginning, although we are not very clear on where to begin 😉

In the end of the article there is the reference article and direct quote of the error and why it is produced.  To sum it up, logind within systemd produces an error for a user process attempt to start an X session process through an ipv6 connection.  Although our allergic reaction to the fact the author on this article speaks in general about linux and displays a systemd related error, we will bypass this detail for the content’s importance.

error: Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket

Now why does X get compiled with its own networking abilities?  Because “some people” like to get X access to the machine remotely.  A problematic reason on its own, but we are not here to solve all of the world’s problems.  It is systemd complaining because sshd is not working right, it prevents a remote ipv6 connection, but logind is there to make sure that a proper connection is made when it should.  Many other pieces of software have their own parts of ipv6 networking functionalities and abilities.  Hmmm,…… !!!  Scratch …scratch … why should they?  Should they not?


Yours, mine, … my ISP’s, …..?   It has taken nearly 2.5 decades (since 1998) to transition from ipv4 to ipv6.Is the day ipv4 will be globally terminated and disabled/banned by all servers?  As far as I know there is no foreseeable date for when this can be done, or will it ever.  According to our beloved spyware author, google,com, only 30% of all public servers have ipv6 ability.  The ONLY servers recently found to have ipv6 ONLY ability, are test servers where if you can not reach them, it means you have no ipv6 ability enabled.  A good test for us, we will explain later, or maybe not!

Talk to a teenager with a relatively good aptitude in math, explain to them the scheme of and also explain why this wouldn’t it be enough of addressing, how should we go about it?  I suspect the vast majority would say add another (5th) batch of (0-255) numbers or 2^8 power, and increase the quantity by 250+ times.  For every single ipv4 address there can be now 256 subdomains.  Instead this illogical scheme of an undetermined number of digits, alphanumeric, colons, was devised as a solution.  Few people still today, even networking engineers, can really explain you what does a specific ipv6 address really mean.  Ipv4 addressing scheme, like tel-numbers, made sense to even 12 year olds.  Ipv6 scheme only makes sense to encryption mathematicians.

But was it your problem the internet was running out of IP addresses?  It wasn’t mine.  Did you experience a problem ever, of a dns providing you with an IP that matched two different servers?  No, and no.  So why are we exposing ourselves to connectivity we have little understanding about, vulnerabilities of a different variety than we know how to handle with ipv4, software that provide the ability to directly communicate through an ipv6 channel, but provide unknown protection for having such ability, and software we wouldn’t imagine they had their own networking functionality, that they actually do.  This is a totally different protocol, not an expanded/modified protocol.

Search a bit on how to turn it off and you may get an uneasy feeling of people presenting themselves as experts, offering advise and tricks, not knowing themselves enough on the subject.  The most common solution to turn ipv6 off offered is on the bootloader to add a “ipv6.disable=1”, which tells the kernel to disable all ipv6 functionality.  Does it always work?  No, we have found evidence that it doesn’t, and relies on a non-hardened kernel with sysctl enabled, to pass options to the kernel.  (just yesterday, due to a comment on an article here someone mentioned instantOS and entering this modification to its bootloader didn’t prevent ipv6 functionality).  The other is to edit /etc/sysctl.conf and add 3 lines that disable ipv6.  If the init system’s configuration allows sysctl to the sys-admin this may be somehow effective, otherwise it is udeless.

VERY FEW articles from those experts explain that if you do both the bootloader modification and sysctl.conf modification, the boot process will cause kernel panic.  Why?  Because you are trying to modify something the kernel has forgotten about since the boot loader’s command was issued.  So do the one or the other, but not both.  No, we are no-experts here, just finding out this detail being important to you.

You most likely think that 1 piece of software handles ALL networking through a particular interface it manages.  So if ipv6 is blocked there, there will be no ipv6 connectivity.  Do some more search on ipv6 on the net, you may find that tunneling ipv6 connectivity through ipv4 is quite common and adoptable.  So say a browser, incorporates this ability, when a direct ipv6 connection is blocked somewhere, it transforms the packet to be transported through ipv4, and be reconstructed as an ipv6 connection on the other side of the tunnel.  Ohh.. shit!!  Most security systems, firewalls, really have focused on ipv4 vulnerabilities known since the 70s or discovered since, and just apply the same to ipv6, having done little research for any “new” vulnerabilities that have not surfaced.

How many packages do you have installed that have ipv6 functionality, do you know?  I’ll say many without knowing what you have installed, because in the very core of every linux distribution there are several packages, that unless you configured and build them yourself, ipv6 is ON by default!  What to do about this?  Start with the kernel, the most important functionality provider for all, and search the config for ipv6, disabled it everywhere.  Build your own kernel that is.  Then build from source everything you use, scan and configure ipv6 off.  Still may not be enough or be easy, as for example dhcp/dhclient and other combined server/client software, where the author can’t imagine why you want a server with ipv6 disabled and provides little ability to turn it off (or you can but the build fails).  One interesting such failure was that an array/string whatever inside the code called get_client_id doesn’t exist when ipv6 is turned off.  So the server CAN’T get a client_id unless ipv6 is ON!

The more you try to turn the shit off the more intense the urge to really find out a way to turn it off.  Maybe it is too late down the strip of linux-development to really attempt such a task.  So what does that really mean?

I don’t want to spell it out for everyone, you make your own deductions and assumptions, I make my own and keep them to myself.  For such an extensive adoption of a solution to a non-problem in the open and free software “market”, there has to be a good reason, don’t you think?  Hey, did you know that certain pieces of hardware get their own ipv6 address?  Should I use a cliche, you can check out the matrix but you can never leave?

On the extreme other end of the paranoia spectrum is the case of NetFlix and some other international media vendors, who in the effort to differentiate cost and variety for different markets, are unable to screen through ipv6 connections and VPN proxies, and are blocking ALL ipv6 traffic.  Mostly because some of the material they sell is restricted for physical clients within the continental US, and prevent outsiders from accessing it.  This fact lets us assume, that ever since the initial proposal of ipv6, there was no effort to distinguish country of origin by ip address.  This means for “some” there are many more identifiers hiding within ipv6 the last thing they needed was a country of origin.  Why worry about country of origin when you can have the geolocation of the most remote router providing the connection?

Enough said, do your own research.




Linux sshd X11 forwarding fails when ipv6 is disabled

sshd has a configuration option called AddressFamily (in /etc/ssh/sshd_config) and many linux distributions set it by default
to “AddressFamily any”. If you disable ipv6 and leave “AddressFamily any” then sshd will still try to work with ipv6 addresses and that causes X11 forwarding (ssh -X …, remote start of graphical applications) to fail. You get this error:

Apr 2 12:53:14 lenie systemd-logind[1430]: New session 201 of user guido.
Apr 2 12:53:14 lenie sshd[372]: error: Failed to allocate internet-domain X11 display socket.



2 thoughts on “systemd and ipv6 – why should it/they not be disabled? Ever?

  1. I took an alternate route to the IPv6 issue. I learned how IPv6 works and implemented firewalls for both v4 and v6, and implemented both a v4 and v6 network.

    And yes, I have experienced the problem of IPv4 addresses running out. Over the last 25 years I’ve seen the prices on IP addresses just keep going up and up when I went to setup multiple servers, and I’ve seen more and more layers of IPv4 NATs being setup on things. On mobiles you don’t really even get a public address anymore. I used to be able to buy a block of IP addresses for my home connection, and I can’t get that at any price now. I have to go to a business connection to even get a small allocation, and I have to provide justification for every increase in IP address allocation. 4 billion addresses aren’t enough for when we have multiple systems per person, it wouldn’t even be enough for each person to have one system. Arguably, the existence of NATs was the start of switching the internet from a peer to peer network, to a client server model like we’ve gone to now.

    The only time I ever had issues with netflix and IPv6 was when I was doing an IPv6 tunnel instead of using native. Now that I’m on Native, I no longer have an issue with streaming services.

    systemd on the other hand always seems to cause networking issues, so I solved that by going to systems that didn’t have systemd.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Back in the day where PsiNet was buying stadium labels and was the king of the net, before the Clintonites devised the term informational superhighway, as if the net was their invention, large corporations and organizations would go and buy a huge chunk of IPs for themselves. Much of it still today is needlessly controlled by such ventured. But I am sure you know that this is unneeded. The same way can have 1000 servers with very few real IPs, servers being routed in internal networks, and servers, ports and other gimicks, I still believe the shortage is semi artificial, semi-poor design to start, for sure poor management, etc. I remember Sprint digging along the i-95 corridor laying fiberoptics in the Langley VA (or they called it DC), to NYSE (NY state expressway 🙂 to even Boston’s MIT, and neighbors buying access while the rest of the universe was still on 9600baud modems. 99% of those digging, or mariners laying it on water, had no idea what it was for. Charlatan ex-U-students, would charge $100-500/hr to give group seminars to tcp/ip mystery when the news broke out that this was the new telegraph, radio, phone,tv of things. I kept cleaning and adjusting carburators, and replacing dirt bike tires, knowing that this bubble would burst shortly after, but my shop’s owner would proudly advertise he was the first moto-shop on the net, on a fixed IP local library ISP connection. He first thought it was a waste of money then started getting calls from customers across state lines.

      Ok, if you want those IPs for business, what else, then I still hold my statement “not OUR problem”, speaking in behalf of billions of impoverished “users”. Now if you wanted a direst IP for your coffee pot, heater, AC, Home alarm, garage alarm, barn alarm, chicken coup feeder, and mushroom humidifier, … and you couldn’t trust a single server directing traffic centrally to each one of those, I guess you could somehow still be “one of us”. Margianally to what I call one of us. The analogy though of our problems to “their” problems, is still more than 1000 to 1. And maybe you did your own studying and decided on things, and feel confident enough (you shouldn’t be), that you are adequately protected by your firewall. Now what a single 32bit ID/IP would need within a 128bit piece of information you know is negligible. So what else can hide within this single minimal 128bit of info? Imagine your country/state/license ID being an 128bit piece of information. US SS#s go back more than a century, and are 3-2-4 9digits. That’s 3 times the current US population. They work! Lots and lots of things can fit in one 128b code. Like your email “addresses”, your system’s description, your geo-location, your cpu/interfaces description, even biometric stuff, can all be correlated and shoved inside a single 128bit code. Alternatively when the same info pops up from a different connection in the other side of the universe, someone knows it is also you, only the 32bit address changed among the rest. So someone said 32bit is marginally and growingly inadequate, how about we make 2^16 power more of what we have. Like saying this little dinghy is too small for the whole family to go fishing, let’s buy a ULCC tanker and try deep water fishing.

      I don’t understand, are you saying by default every IMEI code is correlated now with an ipv6 code? Indirectly saying it …. I mean? So everyone has an ipv6 number stuck up their butt everywhere they go. Or are you not saying what I think you are saying 🙂 Can your net-card, wifi-card, disk, … backup server, all have their own infinitely expandable ipv6 sub-IDs? Why not treat the internals of a single computer as a network of things …. orchestrated by the OS?

      In WinXYZ,MacOS, the instructions are simple, click, check Ipv6 OFF, and you are a happy ipv6 blocking customer. Unix folks are not so easily pleased, they have to locate 30 different places they know off to turn the crap off, then they test an Ipv6 only server … and they still see it! That means the ipv6 only server can also see them, it is how networks work.

      Is MS win7 a safer system ? Dos 5 may be!

      PS Don’t take me wrong, I understand everything you are saying here, and nothing you have said I can say is wrong, except for the feeling of security you have what you want secured. That is not safe to be overly confident. No matter what fire walling you do there are certain ports under certain conditions you are allowing connections through, and to specific software, that constantly have CVEs reported on vulnerabilities that can be taken advantage and manipulated.

      I am just stating questions, I don’t have all the answers to them.


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