On the discussion about elogind and dbus “hate”, is there reason?

A vivid discussion has broken out between members of the community, whether q66 considers her/himself one or not is not our prerogative to define, or exclude anyone, about the hardcore stance against FOSS pests such as systemd, elogind, dbus, udev, etc.  So since the topic of discussion is very specific it would have been best if a topic addressed the specific issue, which is irrelevant to whether Chimera Linux belongs on a strict list of distributions without systemd or not.  The criteria about that list are very clear.  The criteria for the “gray” list are not very clear, but nobody really cares about this sloppy list of gray categorized distros, such as void, artix, and devuan. Continue reading

FSF Richard M. Stallman and the gangsters of the globe

There is much talk these days about RMS, the founder of FSF returning to the board of FSF and IBM refusing to have him, popular demand, vote, or otherwise.

I could list countless articles here as a detailed research on the matter, but the plethora of them TOTALLY MISS THE ISSUE.

Who decides and how is a decision made?  Is it influence by rational arguments or is it a choke-hold maneuver that even his (RMS’s) dearest of friends can’t escape?

The rational argument by IBM, and their fellow mutually interested global giant corporations, is “YOU DO AS WE SAY, OR NO MONEY COMING TO YOU“. Continue reading

Ataraxia and the need for a stricter list of distros

A while ago someone I didn’t know contacted me in reddit about the list of distributions without systemd, suggesting I should add ataraxia linux.  Ataraxia Linux was very similar to kiss-linux, source based, musl, but featuring an array of init and service supervision systems available to choose.  A few weeks ago, someone (turns out to be the same person) added a comment to this blog to this more precise list of “linux distributions without systemd” and suggested I should add Ataraxia to the list, and I did.

Then a comment comes in by someone who is really going through the list of distributions and also has been reviewing the narrow list of distributions, or systems, built on musl instead of glibc.  He alerted me to the fact that Ataraxia is now using systemd as its default init system.  It didn’t strike me as odd in the beginning, even though I had recently given it a try.  I was under the impression, never tried, that systemd couldn’t be built on musl as it wasn’t even written in C.  So I asked that same guy, who turns out to be the distro owner of ataraxia, how has he  achieved this, and I got a single word response:  “patching”. Continue reading

Everybody knows that the employer takes all the moral responsibility …

… the employee is just doing “his job”, and if he doesn’t do it someone else will.  Were you as tired of listening to such excuses when your colleagues were asked whether they were willing to work for the “defense industry” or surveillance agencies?  Everyone has heard this one time or another as an excuse, “I am just doing the job I am paid to do”, but rarely do we hear from those who turned the offer down.  Those who are not rich by any means, and not have high executive positions in larger organizations, and were fully capable to do much more, but not willing to violate their own principles.

WARNING:  This has everything to do with open/free software, linux, init systems, and “choices” people make.

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Where to move to after Arch-Linux-based non-systemd systems?

VD, HIV, STD, Zstd

The deeper issue here is “what is the relationship of Arch-Linux and Orwell?”

Two of the most common intrusive sites reported by linux users that are placed on top of the list of a firewall, so nothing goes in and out between their machine and those sites’ servers, are Google and Facebook.  Google on the one hand, in order to play nice against the free/open software community, has been contributing resources, information, and free/open software to improve their image.  MS purchased github, IBM purchased RedHat, or should we say they made their relationship more formal.  Some developers have fallen for it.  Facebook on the other hand is notorious of flooding the machines of their innocent and unsuspecting users with questionable code.  Facebook not only knows who you really are, what you really like, what you think and what you are interested in, in the vast majority of cases they know in real time your exact location and may even have the capability of keeping track of your moves.  Simply if you have an account on facebook and accessed it once through your “smart” phone, they know.  If you access facebook from your desktop, but on smart phone you only use your google account, they know.  They, they, who is they?  If you are really asking we can go on comments for as far as you can take it. Continue reading