2023: Linux rusting away into non-FOSS territory – Build rnote and you will see

Linux 6.2-rc2 kernel is out as the last commit in kernel.org at the start of the 2023 year.  RUST is here, the initial code-base is included in the kernel.  At least Arch seems to be disabling it for now, at the beta level at least, we shall see.

Rust is not just a language, as people commonly think, it is much more.  It is a building environment, system, and a mode change of the philosophy of building packages from source.   Rust incorporates its own git system in pulling code in from 2nd and 3rd parties.  So if you have never gotten into the real FOSS practice of auditing code before you build, try and audit this stuff.  If building in C you thought was a practice similar to building sand castles, by comparison, this is like building sand castles with quick-sand ON QUICK SAND.

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fig os 2.8 — first version from refracta 9

Since we recently worked and reported on figOS 2.6, we took it up to ascii, installed OpenRC and openbox to it, Refracta published a beta version of its refracta9 (ascii based) 32bit iso.  FigOS published a 2.8 version based on this new Refracta9.  Note: both of those systems are 32bit but just a few hours ago the 64bit also appeared on SurgeForge as well.  If you are number 2 downloading it you are the one after us 🙂

Distrowatch has only announced Refracta as a 32bit only system, which we think is a mistake.  Here is the FigOS announcement as it came out on codeinfig.wordpress.com

fig os 2.8 — first version from refracta 9

April 19, 2018

a little over a week ago, this post mentioned plans for the next version of fig os:


since then, ive updated mkfigos 2.6 to 2.7 with the same refracta iso, and now that refracta 9 is in beta, ive taken the recent 2.7 and fig os 2.8 is now here: Continue reading