firefox/mozilla forks recent menu vanishes and how to get it back

Nice trick that works coming from Reik Reid in the VTWM community

Firefox and some of its clones in recent times, when used in a non-systemd, non-DM, non-dbus/logind environment they open up without the topline menus being visible.  Mozilla trying to log and control through those spying environments all they can will allow the menus to vanish when their spying gadgets aren’t present.

Simple fix: Continue reading

When going gets tough those with ulterior motives find easier ways – eudev consolekit2

Recent excitement revolves around talk about eudev deficiencies as a replacement for systemd’s udev.  Consolekit2 having too many functionalities missing against elogind that it will eventually run out of steam.  In particular this package named libgudev requires now particular version specific udev utilities to compile and eudev has not reached this stage of development.  Developer/s said when time comes available it will receive some refreshing and incorporation of this utility.  But what is the rush?  For packages that are used to auto-discover and mount disks (particularly usb hot-plugs) and for them to be the latest of edition need this updated libgudev that eudev can’t support.

Should a community critical against systemd domination mind such dis-functionality?  Hopefully nobody here believes it should.  Didn’t we expect this to be a struggle or did we expect it to come easy?  Are there people here who think they can have the choice of not using systemd/elogind and libraries but have 100% functional Gnome or Plasma desktops and tools (gui-gadgets)?  Being against systemd is being critical of the sacrifices a system/distro should make in order to incorporate growing automation and convenience. Isn’t it?  Continue reading

Fall 2023 hardcore list of 17 linux distributions without elogind and other systemd parts

Welcome antiX and Noir linux to the strict list, with edition 23 antiX is fully functional and lighter than ever without a trace of elogind!

        Edited:  September 24th 2023 (replacing older strict list)

This list is going to be short and there may be a sublist of distros with a medium strict standard.  We shall explain what the object is, below the short list (which we hope the community will assist in making longer as we have not been able to currently review the work of every distro and fork).

Fall 2023 list of “healthy” hardcore distros in alphabetical order with date/activity indicator (xxx)

  1.    antiX —> debian fork without systemd/elogind nearly as famous and popular as Debian itself now
  2.    CarbsLinux —> (Kiss fork with CPT pkg manager shinit/sinit/runit/busybox 02/2023 )
  3.     Glasnost —> (Kiss fork – multi-arch tarballs 05/2022)
  4.     Glaucus linux –> (active 09/2023)
  5.     Hyperbola Linux —> A libre gnu-linux  distro like debian with pacman, or arch but stable as debian in transition to a BSD system – so it will be removed again (active 09/2023)
  6.     Iglunix Linux —>, (musl busybox no-gnu + alt kernels + wayland NoX) (active 09/2023)
  7.     Joborun Linux —> Arch based w/o systemd building env runit (default) + s6/66 (optional). (active 09/2023)
  8.    Kiss Linux –> independent from community influence (dormant for quite some time) (neglected but still a strong base to start something new)
  9.     Kwort Linux –>  (active 09/2023)
  10.     Mere Linux —>  (alpha project – active 1/2023 Musl + pacman  – it boots now!)
  11.     NOIR linux –> a promising kiss-linux fork with a more aumated building system (may 2023)
  12.     Oasislinux –> oasislinux/oasis (active 09/2023)
  13.     Obarun Linux –> (the most extensive general use distribution that meets the criteria) (active 09/2023)
  14.     PCLinuxOS —> a long term distro with wide variety of ready made sw without elogind or systemd
  15.     Sabotage Linux  –> sabotage-linux  (most inspiring commitments and goals) (active 09/2023)
  16.     Superboxon Linux –>  Slackware  based BSD type init, no elogind,PAM (active 09/2023)
  17.     Venom Linux —>  (forked from LFS – glibc now with runit –  active 9/23)

recently removed:

  1.     Mutiny linux –>   site vanished/down

Please keep the recommendations going, for inclusion and exclusion from the list.  We can not keep and maintain installations for all of them, we count on you.

Hardcore because they seem honest and dedicated to the war against totalitarianism by IBM and other mega corporations to dominate the Open and Free software world.

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No systemd, no elogind, no consolekit, no dbus – what did I miss?

Many reviews of linux distros you may read tell you what you need  to have (systemd – elogind – consolekit, – dbus : SECD from now on) to use the distro.  It is rarely seen or heard whether you can have an effective graphical interface, a desktop, a window manager, and not use any of the above.  Sometimes for a rarely used or never used utility you need one of those monsters, but hardly ever anyone goes out of his way to tell you “this is the ONLY instance you need this, otherwise you can do without”.  So the question on this topic should be obvious, “what can I do and have installed, or even if it is installed have it running, without the use of the SECD?”.  The less obvious question to the one questioning is “why?”.  Does anyone still ask why anymore, or have we (linux users) generally turned to fashion monkeys? Continue reading

Will your installation work without dbus? by: Anti-DBus

Remove DBus, ConsoleKit, PolicyKit, PAM, new udev, systemd, freedesktop cancer

by: Anti-DBus

Greetings. I have completed a successful DBus removal. Stragglers were ghostscript-gpl, which was removed, cups, which was also removed and all the dependent programs recompiled to live without it, changing it for lprng (the old Berkeley printer spooler, updated), barring icedtea-bin, which was changed to icedtea and built without any build time dependency, sgt-puzzles (removed), winetricks (sadly removed), qtwidgets (all the programs that needed it were recompiled to not to), qtbittorrent (changed for rtorrent as rutorrent has php and bloat), libreoffice (changed for openoffice-bin, as amazingly it doesn’t have need for dbus or even GTK3; it was chosen to avoid sketchy Chinese poor support and paid support office suites such as WPS and Softmaker), notification-daemon (I actually never used it for anything, ever, as redshift pops up its icon without a notification), nvidia-drivers (recompiled without tools), and such. Continue reading

FigOSdev takes back what he said about Dbus

Maybe I Take Back What I Said About Dbus       by FigOSdev

Despite what I’ve said about worrying about Bus1 (I’m not worried) I’m increasingly of the opinion that getting rid of Dbus or making it easier to remove is a good idea.

The idea is, you shouldn’t have too much software that is running or even installed when you don’t need it. That’s really simple; defining “too much” is not, but…

I have Dbus installed. I am quite capable of finding every file it installs, and removing that file. I can stop it from installing again– no problem!

There are things I have installed that depend on it– probably also not a problem. However, let’s look at what those are: Continue reading

dbus kbus bus1 and dbus-broker – A trojan donkey in drag!


Dbus: Will your desktop run without it?  D-Bus (for “Desktop Bus[4]), a software bus, is an inter-process communication (IPC) and remote procedure call (RPC) mechanism that allows communication between multiple computer programs (that is, processes) concurrently running on the same machine.[5][6] D-Bus was developed as part of the project, initiated by Havoc Pennington from Red Hat to standardize services provided by Linux desktop environments such as GNOME and KDE.

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