Keep It Simple Stupid Linux, Kiss for short


I’d like to inform you about my new Linux distribution called KISS.


Independent (not based on anything else).
Source based (like gentoo or crux).
Busybox coreutils.
Busybox init (busybox includes runit style services, sysvinit style services or plain shell scripts)
Musl libc.
No dbus.
No pam.
No polkit.
No systemd.
No gettext/intltool.
Packages compile without Telemetry/tracking.

Dylan Araps

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Update 02/22/2020

by Oneirosopher:


Hi yee all,

I’m not in charge of KISS Linux, just interested by this distro –which I have not installed by the way.

The link to KISS Linux is broken. The former site seems abandoned. Please now follow:

It seems that the same Dylan has also conceived neofetch & sowm


Adélie Linux 1.0-BETA3 Released

We are proud to reproduce such a long awaited announcement.

TULSA, OKLAHOMA (31 May 2019) — The Adélie Linux Release Engineering Team is pleased to announce the immediate release of Adélie Linux 1.0-BETA3 for all supported platforms. Learn more about Adélie Linux on our Web site. Continue reading

Breaking News: VOID – S6 – Obarun’s 66 – musl

The best of ALL WORLDS has come together!

VOID-linux + s6 + 66 + musl


# xbps-query -Rs musl | grep "[*]"
[*] musl-1.1.22_1                             The musl C library
[*] musl-fts-1.2.7_3                          Implementation of fts(3) for musl libc
# xbps-query -Rs s6               
[-] 66-                    Helpers tools around s6-rc
[-] 66-devel-              Helpers tools around s6-rc - develelopment files
[-] 66-doc-                Helpers tools around s6-rc - documentation
[-] s6-                    Small suite of programs for UNIX, designed to allow process supervi...
[-] s6-devel-              s6 supervision library and headers
[-] s6-dns-                Suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems
[-] s6-dns-devel-          Suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems - devel...
[-] s6-dns-doc-            Suite of DNS client programs and libraries for Unix systems - docum...
[-] s6-doc-                s6 supervision documentation
[-] s6-linux-utils-        Minimalistic Linux-specific system utilities (s6-chroot, s6-mount e...
[-] s6-linux-utils-doc-    Minimalistic Linux-specific system utilities (s6-chroot, s6-mount e...
[-] s6-networking-         Suite of small network utilities for Unix systems
[-] s6-networking-devel-   Suite of small network utilities for Unix systems - development files
[-] s6-networking-doc-     Suite of small network utilities for Unix systems - documentation
[-] s6-portable-utils-     Tiny portable generic utilities (s6-cat, s6-chmod, etc.)
[-] s6-portable-utils-doc- Tiny portable generic utilities (s6-cat, s6-chmod, etc.) - document...
[-] s6-rc-                 Service manager of the s6 init system
[-] s6-rc-doc-             Service manager of the s6 init system - documentation

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Adélie Linux – work in progress I’d like to draw your attention to a young and promising project called Adélie Linux.  Adélie Linux is a Free, Libre operating system based on the Linux kernel. Their goals of full POSIX® compliance, built on musl compatibility with a wide variety of computers, and ease of use without sacrificing features set them apart from most other Linux distributions.  Sysvinit, openrc, and S6 are available to customize your installation to specific needs.  Adélie Linux is also independent and built from the ground up, not based on major distributions (Arch, Debian), or Gentoo, or Alpine, as some will immaturely conclude.

Download 1.0-BETA1

Edit Dec 22 2018 – Adelie 1.0-beta2 is now available and possibly the last step before the first stable Adelie 1 is released.

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Void musl – how does it compare with glibc

After our previous week’s test of Alpine linux and the impression of its simplicity and high speed, we decided to give a group test on the Void linux with musl.  We used the LXDE edition of the installation image and did a trial run on VirtualBox.  It was a first shot try and success.  We then started modifying and installing various packages to see if “any” would have any problems running on musl instead of glibc.  Note that the musl repositories are specific to musl and separate, as far as we can tell, from the glibc repositories. Continue reading

Alpine linux hardened openbox and xfce4 tested

The image selection for installing or using live is a little confusing.  It is confusing as there is standard. extended, vanilla, virtual, xen, and mini-root filesystem.  I used extended and that was a little more than 342MB, the rest are about 100MB or less.  By current trends that is confusingly small.

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