Fall 2023 hardcore list of 17 linux distributions without elogind and other systemd parts

Welcome antiX and Noir linux to the strict list, with edition 23 antiX is fully functional and lighter than ever without a trace of elogind!

        Edited:  September 24th 2023 (replacing older strict list)

This list is going to be short and there may be a sublist of distros with a medium strict standard.  We shall explain what the object is, below the short list (which we hope the community will assist in making longer as we have not been able to currently review the work of every distro and fork).

Fall 2023 list of “healthy” hardcore distros in alphabetical order with date/activity indicator (xxx)

  1.    antiX —> antixlinux.com debian fork without systemd/elogind nearly as famous and popular as Debian itself now
  2.    CarbsLinux —> carbslinux.org (Kiss fork with CPT pkg manager shinit/sinit/runit/busybox 02/2023 )
  3.     Glasnost —> www.glasnost.org (Kiss fork – multi-arch tarballs 05/2022)
  4.     Glaucus linux –> glaucuslinux.org (active 09/2023)
  5.     Hyperbola Linux —> hyperbola.info A libre gnu-linux  distro like debian with pacman, or arch but stable as debian in transition to a BSD system – so it will be removed again (active 09/2023)
  6.     Iglunix Linux —> https://github.com/iglunix/iglunix/releases, https://iglunix.xyz. (musl busybox no-gnu + alt kernels + wayland NoX) (active 09/2023)
  7.     Joborun Linux —> http://pozol.eu Arch based w/o systemd building env runit (default) + s6/66 (optional). (active 09/2023)
  8.    Kiss Linux –> kisslinux.org independent from community influence (dormant for quite some time) (neglected but still a strong base to start something new)
  9.     Kwort Linux –> kwort.org  (active 09/2023)
  10.     Mere Linux —> merelinux.org  (alpha project – active 1/2023 Musl + pacman  – it boots now!)
  11.     NOIR linux –> github.com/noirlinux a promising kiss-linux fork with a more aumated building system (may 2023)
  12.     Oasislinux –> oasislinux/oasis (active 09/2023)
  13.     Obarun Linux –> obarun.org (the most extensive general use distribution that meets the criteria) (active 09/2023)
  14.     PCLinuxOS —> pclinuxos.com a long term distro with wide variety of ready made sw without elogind or systemd
  15.     Sabotage Linux  –> sabotage-linux  (most inspiring commitments and goals) (active 09/2023)
  16.     Superboxon Linux –> superboxon.com  Slackware  based BSD type init, no elogind,PAM (active 09/2023)
  17.     Venom Linux —> venomlinux.org  (forked from LFS – glibc now with runit –  active 9/23)

recently removed:

  1.     Mutiny linux –> mutiny.red   site vanished/down

Please keep the recommendations going, for inclusion and exclusion from the list.  We can not keep and maintain installations for all of them, we count on you.

Hardcore because they seem honest and dedicated to the war against totalitarianism by IBM and other mega corporations to dominate the Open and Free software world.

Basically, after some odd experiences with Nutyx and its full turn into systemd-dom, basic functionality of starting X , such as vte terminals, filemanagers (thunar and pcmanfm) was impossible.  Why was it impossible?  Because they REQUIRE elogind and dbus to be running in order for them to start.  So off this site any further mention of Nutyx.

If such development spreads there has to be a differentiation between distros that include such crap like elogind, for obvious and overly discussed reasons, and DO NOT make their use necessary everywhere that there is no absolute need, to make it necessary.  In other words, there seems to be a new trend from utilizing elogind to accommodate needs of upstream desktop dependencies, but some distros go out of their way to enforce the use of elogind EVERYWHERE THEY CAN! 

There is a qualitative difference between drinking socially, a cocktail, a beer or two, some wine while dining with friends and comrades, AND being a full blown alcoholic where the first thing you do when opening your eyes, is to reach next to your couch, where you slept with your shoes on, and grab the bottle of 151′ proof rum to rinse your mouth, then swallow the mouthwash.  HUGE difference!  

…..  and such madness was listed as systemd free linux on our long list!   No more, that old list will remain to reflect the wide variety of Pid1 switchers.

In light of recent development and discovery of such development, seatd comes to compliment consolekit2 to replicate the functionality of elogind.  Its use in Obarun made starting wayland and sway successful.  The same developer who wrote seatd has also written greetd, a display manager that is wayland compliant without using elogind/systemd.  So the common excuse “we use elogind for wayland” has run out, while with the last edition of ck2 (12/2020 note: there have been later updates to this one) the excuse of it being unmaintained is also fading.  People in the BSD ecosystem are contributing plenty of development for ck2.

The difference between elogind and (ck2-seatd) is size and complexity, and it is counted in multiples.  So for those who follow unix tradition of simplicity, single use, compliance with everything else, the way to go is clear.

Another proposal

What will now be a proposed as a medium strictness list?  Where distros choose to make elogind available, but not absolutely necessary for all X software.

We want to believe that all forms of adelie, antiX, alpine, and Void are still healthy, we are unsure of Artix, but we will investigate and take your recommendations and suggestions as they come.  Our last attempts to start X on artix without elogind were futile, but we may be wrong.

The screen is/will be:

Can X be started without elogind?

Can the most popular WMs start within that X session without elogind?

Can basic common terminals and file-managers start without elogind?

Can common file-managers work without automounting devices?

We can repeat this process with dbus, and there are situations where things start and run fine, even though they may throw some warning and errors for not accessing a running dbus channel, while being 90+% functional, and situations where they lose basic functionality.  Like LibreOffice has the entire prime menu bar (File Edit View … Help) missing when started without a live dbus session, while a ton of their other icon intense menu bars work.

Medium strict list:

  1. adelie adelie.pkgs.org
  2. alpine alpinelinux.org
  3. artix artixlinux.org
  4. TinyCore Linux  tinycorelinux.net  (simply amazing size and functionality – elogind is present and available but not necessarily used)
  5. void voidlinux.org
  6. Chimera Linux —> chimera-linux.org  (moved down from strict list, it configures software with elogind ON!  Argghhh…!!!!!) (to be removed soon, as users report than X will not start without an instance of the systemd-pest)

Help us fill the blanks here or remove the sick ones if you have direct current experience.

Edit Dec. 30th 2020

This (Slackware & forks) was meant to be yesterday on the list, it is now removed, sadly.  It seemed to have been a nice system we neglected over the past few years.  Ever since Dec 7th 2020 it passed on the other side of one of the many distros succumbing to the pressure, biting the bait, hook, line, and sinkers.

5   Slackware  –> (Zenwalk and Slackel are currently reviewed, no elogind found anywhere, ck2    seems available – specific reviews are coming shortly – that is not to say that all slackware forks will adopt or maintain this commitment, and there are many many of them)

Spoke too soon, there is more elogind enforcement in Slackware than there is in Fedora!


347 thoughts on “Fall 2023 hardcore list of 17 linux distributions without elogind and other systemd parts

  1. I wanted to say thank you so much for having this site up. I come over here often.

    I am waiting on two Isos to download right now, so brushing up on the latest here. I have posted here few times. I really resonate with this post. Its not out of line at all, it is 100% spot on. I think it absolutely represents a regressive nature overal trend.

    You know I constantly hear “in the name of progress” insert your whatever here….

    I dont know if people are just spittin the line or what but, I havent seen any sort of documented progress in any catagory of society myself.

    The general population, in the year 1914, had an average lifespan of 70-75 years, The women were an average height f 5’5, with an average weight of 130lbs, the men were average height of 5’9 and an average weight of 150 lbs, the average person graduated 8th grade with a 100,000 word vocabulary, the average 5 year old could multi task in daily activities that which an adult today cannot. The average attention span was much higher, however I dont remember the figure , it was in the hours though not minutes. The avergae person could do just about anything for thmselves save for give birth.

    So in 100 years give or take, we are collectively, so fat there are tv shows glorfying how fat is wonderful (really its just an overload of parasites, see Pubmed). We are currently at an average of a 5000 word vocabulary for the general population, our attention span collectively is less than 10 seconds,

    The average millenial cant open a tuna can.

    The average employee wants to get paid for not working.

    The average mother goes to the park with her kid and sits on an iphone. and her kid sits next to her. on an ipad.

    The average student gets all A’s, and graduates without knowing how to read at kindergarten level comprehension. Or spelling.

    The average person cannot make themselves a meal, cannot cook, has no idea how to even follow a recipe. The last stats I looked at for cooking was less than 10% of the general population. I personally, know not one other person save for our family, that cooks their own food. I know one person who has a huge huge chefs kitchen. In 5 years, has never cooked a meal in it.

    I read through a post a while back, which described what we on the sidelines are witness to now, what is taking place is a regression back to midevil serfdom in its functions.

    The more I thought about it, the more I think this is an accurate observation.

    People are literally under hypnosis. At least in my opinion. Can you spot them when you are out? They are walking cross the street Phone In Face, they wave their phone to open their car, their home locks, and on and on, they cant even open a blind………..they tell alexa to do it for them. No one can do anythng without a parental oversight(alexa, siri, systemd, whatever insert here) so if they are all waiting to be told what to do, then how many adults are really left, you know?

    I think, if one were to sit down and spider cluster the whole pattern it would lead to a prognosis of complete a total dark ages situation.

    In the linux world, it has thick been sliding into sell out status for a good while now. And I agree. It is wholey so hard to keep hanging on to as it is chipped back and chipped back and chipped back. It feels literally like at this point, I feel as if that which was so numerous ten years ago, well like 15 years ago, has now converged into 5 options with a dwindling subset of things we can hold onto.

    This is in no way at all. The definition of progress. As it is liked to be called.

    So I dont know, I just know this site is a breath of fresh air. I am with you. It’s rough. You have good observations and good insight.

    Take Care Sally


    • Sadly, being overly exited about industrial/machine progress Marx never became too critical of the idea of “development”, and Marxists like goof little monkeys, reproduced this ideation throughout the work we call Marxism today. Marxism is just as much faithful in “development” as capitalism is. But capitalism is embracing development as means to increase wealth, domination, profits, a rational tendency. In Marxism there is very poor explaining why we need development.

      Take it back through archaeology and anthropology, historians have described agriculture as a major step forward for humanity, the basis for constructing “civilization”. The data is very contradictory. Anthropological findings have shown clearly that after centuries of agriculture human health suffered as compared to hunting/gathering tribes and communities. The variety of nutrition shrunk to the very dumb plants and animals they can massively produce, labor became more intensive, as exposure to harsh elements (rush to gather produce before storms, etc.).
      Height went down significantly, heads and therefore brains shrunk, life-expectancy lowered, but the transition for those suffering it was gradual and unnoticeable. In Oceania before Euro-trash stepped a foot agriculture and animal exploitation was unthought of, and some tribes in jungle lived harmoniously and isolated without perceived health issues up to the 20th century.

      What development brought in the form of agriculture was urban concentrations, hierarchy in food storage and distribution, .. security, .. authority, inequality, …. civilization. Progress.

      People use the terms modern, developed, less critically when they are lacking substantial rational evidence for what reason was this change justified. If – + x buttons on the top right of a window are now squishy, animated, with round corners, in color, this is progress. If you change the order to x – + that may be described as development, even though it takes you 2-3″ extra to decide which one minimizes/maximizes/closes. Non-sense!

      There is a finite system of elements as an ecosystem that humanity is expected to survive no matter what. This term finite indicates that development can’t be infinite if by it we mean exploitation and destruction of ecosystem stability and sustainability.

      Mind boggling stupidity, in 21st century, with all the environmental science and findings, people are cutting down forests to “prevent wild fires”! Stupidity is the number 1 threat for humanity.


  2. Does CRUX use elogind? This distro really caught my attention and it’s not really popular so I couldn’t really find any information regarding elogind in it. The only thing I know is that there is elogind port and it is located in a repository called crux-xfce, so that means that it doesn’t use that by default. If so, then it might be cool to add it to the strict list?


    • You’re right, elogind is only in other repositories. Most CRUX ports are still centered around consolekit2 if anything. I tried using CRUX and while the packaging there is great you rely on oftentimes unmaintained third party repos for much of the software you expect


      • On joborun three commands get you on the minute joborun’s 3 repositories.
        you cd to repository and pkgname
        if you use native zshrc depS ensures it is a clean minimal built environment, adds the corresponding dependencies, sh key imports the source key if it is signed, mkpkg builds the pkg, you move it to your local repo, depR removes the dependencies and returns the clean environment, sh clean cleans up the work area. You want to do it more automatically enter the 6 steps into a single script and just watch it build, or make a larger script where it reads a file list and does the building consecutively for anything you want to build.

        You don’t want to build, just download the ready made binaries.

        You want building optimized for your machine’s class cpu, and hw, instructions are there.

        I couldn’t care less how crux and gentoo do it these days, if they see nothing wrong with the option of elogind … they are not worth looking at them.


    • Puppy and its forks have always been in the long (now abandoned) list of linux without systemd as init.
      But puppy appears confused as what to do with elogind. It is present, it is available, but they say it doesn’t run. If it is present while software is built the software expect elogind functionality, so they would either run into error and exit or guis will keep running and have a dead function. They say it can’t run, but if it is installed all it takes for a service manager to use it is call it up as a daemon, dbus is running, in many cases a pol-kit is present, so why wouldn’t it run?


      • i use void without elogind but it is a pain in the butt…

        i also use it with elogind and it is far better
        as for puppy there are puppy derivatives i.e voidpup which is deifficult to boot imho but it is light and as i saw elogind free…
        but we have to talk about dbus and other components too i.e gvfs and pulseawfull or polkitd
        i was nosystemD nowdays i am poettering-free…

        btw there is a devuan for pi without elogind dbus pam and other things… its fairly new and in testing period


        • Do you try using void without dbus as well? I have, it is also a pain in my void. Everytime some xorg piece is upgraded here comes that xorg-dbus pkg back again and starts on its own. xinit errors for not finding dbus are not fatal, they just print on console, you write them where ink doesn’t work, 2>/dev/null … you thought I meant my testicles? ….


    • If you’re on amd then definitely openbsd with linux on virtual machine for stuff you can’t do on openbsd.


    • Is there a mailing list or chatroom for this community? Im glad to know Im not the only one who understands using elogind doesnt make your distro systemd free. Sometimes it feels like we’re on the chopping block.


          • reddit used to be ok, then turned to a real turd, lately it is total shit competing with facebook in stinkyness.

            Interestingly enough I read that the bot facebook uses is utilizing latest tech AI to automatically detect and screen posts from reproducing fake-news that can cause social unrest.

            The messages about the ship m/s Dali hitting and destroying a major bridge in Baltimore, Md USA were auto-removed by the bot as fake news, till there was human intervention to unblock them.

            Hey, I am on reddit too, cursing it in public on its own servers, but I am there too!


  3. That’s a shame, but I must admit I say that as someone who was intrigued/interested in the project but did not get involved other that downloading a version or two. Just too busy to test/distrohop these days. The most recent one looked best of all, with Yann’s decision to include Abrowser, among other things.

    I hope he reconsiders. Thanks for your hard (& creative) work Yann!


    • Don’t worry, the project is not dead just delayed.

      I simply reorganized it so that I could manage it in the right way given the new situation.

      I just released a corrected version to take into account the new goals.

      Thank you for your support.


      • Void, that elogind using rat, is high ranking on Distrowatch, and the only forum they have for the past 4-5 years is a board on reddit.com/r/void
        Better yet you can make one on fediverse or https://diaspora-fr.org/ or other diaspora servers which is based on foss and uncentralized, if you can’t run an instance of mastodon or diaspora on your own server.

        I am patient, your entry is not going anywhere, Obarun I may drop for using basu (systemd)


        • Well, Taking the time to think helped me to understand that I was on the wrong track. superBoxon is just a Slackware who uses ConsoleKit instead of PAM/elogind so actually it’s not really an independent GNU/Linux distribution, it is more of an independent way to prepare and deploy the Slackware distribution even if I have to recompile a bunch of applications and provide a ready to use ISO image. At least, that’s the way I see it now.

          If you think the superBoxon project should no longer be listed here, don’t worry, I’m ok with that.

          Today I got proof that google and others have shadow banned me at least since 2022 so, from now on, I won’t be using these people because they can’t be trusted at all. I will get an account on Twitter/X and Telegram so I might have some additional opportunities to get the word out about my project and get feedback from users even if I don’t like using social networks, and in the absolute I would have liked to avoid it.

          But in all cases, superBoxon will never use systemd, PAM, elogind and other waste.

          I will continue to release an updated ISO based on maybe 2 or 3 releases a year and all software will stay fully compatible with the stock Slackware. The only difference is that future ISO will now be deliberately minimalist, making them easy to install with only a “rsync -a” and easy to adapt and customize.


        • Well, Taking the time to think helped me to understand that I was on the wrong track. superBoxon is just a Slackware who uses ConsoleKit instead of PAM/elogind so actually it’s not really an independent GNU/Linux distribution, it is more of an independent way to prepare and deploy the Slackware distribution even if I have to recompile a bunch of applications and provide a ready to use ISO image. At least, that’s the way I see it now.

          If you think the superBoxon project should no longer be listed here, don’t worry, I’m ok with that.

          Today I got proof that google and others have shadow banned me at least since 2022 so, from now on, I won’t be using these people because they can’t be trusted at all. I will get an account on Twitter/X and Telegram so I might have some additional opportunities to get the word out about my project and get feedback from users even if I don’t like using social networks, and in the absolute I would have liked to avoid it.

          But in all cases, superBoxon will never use systemd, PAM, elogind and other waste.

          I will continue to release an updated ISO based on maybe 3 or 4 releases a year and all software will stay fully compatible with the stock Slackware. The only difference is that future ISO will now be deliberately minimalist, making them easy to install with only a “rsync -a” and easy to adapt and customize.


        • Well, Taking the time to think helped me to understand that I was on the wrong track. superBoxon is just a Slackware who uses ConsoleKit instead of PAM/elogind so actually it’s not really an independent GNU/Linux distribution, it is more of an independent way to prepare and deploy the Slackware distribution even if I have to recompile a bunch of applications and provide a ready to use ISO image. At least, that’s the way I see it now.

          If you think the superBoxon project should no longer be listed here, don’t worry, I’m ok with that.

          Yesterday I got proof that google and others have shadow banned me at least since 2022 so, from now on, I won’t be using these people because they can’t be trusted at all. Maybe later I will get an account on Twitter/X and Telegram so I might have some additional opportunities to get the word out about my project and get feedback from users even if I don’t like using social networks, and in the absolute I would have liked to avoid it.

          But in all cases, superBoxon will never use systemd, PAM, elogind and other waste.

          I will continue to release an updated ISO based on maybe 2 or 3 releases a year and all software will stay fully compatible with the stock Slackware. The only difference is that future ISO will now be deliberately minimalist, making them easy to install with only a “rsync -a” and easy to adapt and customize.


          • I took a look at it yesterday, it works well, it doesn’t seem to have any disfunctionality, more of it than I have ever needed (gvfs/automount, pulseaudio, ck, dbus, ..lxdm)
            I like to write a proper review for it, maybe I should wait for the next run?
            xfce4 and MATE both fully functional in the same iso? I haven’t really used or even tried much of any desktop for years, I forget what it is like. It can’t be too much to add a more clean wm like openbox or jwm in it. The mate/xfce wm base is too specific and convoluted to be run alone. The good thing about openbox is once built you don’t have to deal with it again, it is frozen in time without bugs or MRs hanging, some aesthetic patches exist like rounding window corners.

            On /etc/lxdm/lxdm.conf I would enable the language and keyboard and disable the autologin, because even when selecting them in the grub menu (or was it syslinux?) it still starts in French and with setkbdmap=fr (a is q q is a and no clue where * is …. merd … 🙂
            (I hope you don’t take offense for all the cursing you received through telepathy …)

            The fact this is the only ONLY slackware I know that in the past 3+ years is NOT using elogind it is a great achievement on its own. Of course the easier but time consuming task is to make tons of P..BUILD recipe files for all the stuff that call for elogind. I wish the differences could be bridged and this would become a combined effort with slackel (and those around it) because those guys were just as ticked off with this slackware choice and that it was done so silently and suddenly they had no option or time to revert changes, so they went down the easy way despite of how much they disliked it.

            Since the structure of slackware is similar to debian, the work recently done by antiX (for runit s6 66 and openrc) should make a handy port … please consider it.


            • 1) – Even if I want to get a minimalistic system I also want to have all the needed components to run an almost ready to use environment, so I could add or remove additional components to meet dependencies if needed.

              2) – I don’t really have added these two desktop environment for diversity. On superBoxon, and especially as of the 23.11-4 version, this is not really Mate Desktop you are using. I think I will name it XMDE because it is a combination of components from XFCE 4.12 and Mate 1.26.

              I don’t really like Mate and I don’t really like XFCE but if you mix what I think is the best of these two desktop, that’s just terrific. I’m on the early stages of the development but I think I can do something nice.

              On the other hand, if someone want another desktop like Openbox/JWM or other (well, everything except Gnome/KDE!), I can add it as a module at least if they don’t force you to use the Wayland server.

              3) – Yes I see that the ISO stay in French, I released version 23.11-4 in a hurry without really testing it, my mistake… I released yesterday a new version that fix that issue.

              4) – Keep in mind that superBoxon is just a Slackware 14.2 who uses packages from Slackware current (aka 15.0+), so you can reverse Slackware like distros to use consolekit instead of pam/elogind, you just have to use original slackbuild and recompile all needed packages. I have released the source code and compiled packages with the 23.11-1 version and I will do the same with the next version, so you can contact me if someone need help about switching from pam/elogind to consolekit.

              5) – I would like to be clear and I hope my point of view won’t offend you. I’m ok to join other teams to work on projects to make a better Linux, at least if I have spare time, but I have wasted a lot of time undergoing systems that others had designed without taking the user’s point of view into account, and above all by imposing their choices, even if they turned out to be counter-productive (like systemd, pulseaudio and soon wayland, etc…).

              Few years ago I decided to make a custom system with only the components I need/want and I also wasted a lot of time trying to design a system that fits almost everyone needs thinking it could possibly also meet the needs of others.

              So this time, I’m going to finish this project and do it my way.

              Hopefully, almost all the groundwork has been done for superBoxon and now it just need to be polished a lot. The next really important step I need to work on now will be additional software because without software, an operating system is simply an empty shell and I’m working on a way to be an additional solution to existing sites like Slackbuild, slackware.uk, Alien BOB, Ponce, Salix, Slackel, Zenwalk, etc…

              Besides, my English is awfull (I always need translation website ;-)…


            • 1) – Even if I want to get a minimalistic system I also want to have all the needed components to run an almost ready to use environment, so I could add or remove additional components to meet dependencies if needed.

              2) – I don’t really have added these two desktop environment for diversity. On superBoxon, and especially as of the 23.11-4 version, this is not really Mate Desktop you are using. I think I will name it XMDE because it is a combination of components from XFCE 4.12 and Mate 1.26.

              I don’t really like Mate and I don’t really like XFCE but if you mix what I think is the best of these two desktop, that’s just terrific. I’m on the early stages of the development but I think I can do something nice.

              On the other hand, if someone want another desktop like Openbox/JWM or other (well, everything except Gnome/KDE!), I can add it as a module at least if they don’t force you to use the Wayland server.

              3) – Yes I see that the ISO stay in French, I released version 23.11-4 in a hurry without really testing it, my mistake… I released yesterday a new version that fix that issue.

              4) Keep in mind that superBoxon is just a Slackware 14.2 who uses packages from Slackware current (aka 15.0+), so you can reverse Slackware like distros to use consolekit instead of pam/elogind, you just have to use original slackbuild and recompile all needed packages. I have released the source code and compiled packages with the 23.11-1 version and I will do the same with the next version, so you can contact me if someone need help about switching from pam/elogind to consolekit.

              5) – I would like to be clear and I hope my point of view won’t offend you. I’m ok to join other teams to work on projects to make a better Linux, at least if I have spare time, but I have wasted a lot of time undergoing systems that others had designed without taking the user’s point of view into account, and above all by imposing their choices, even if they turned out to be counter-productive (like systemd, pulseaudio and soon wayland, etc…).

              Few years ago I decided to make a custom system with only the components I need/want and I also wasted a lot of time trying to design a system that fits almost everyone needs thinking it could possibly also meet the needs of others.

              So this time, I’m going to finish this project and do it my way.

              Hopefully, almost all the groundwork has been done for superBoxon and now it just need to be polished a lot. The next really important step I need to work on now will be additional software because without software, an operating system is simply an empty shell and I’m working on a way to be an additional solution to existing sites like Slackbuild, slackware.uk, Alien BOB, Ponce, Salix, Slackel, Zenwalk, etc…

              Besides, my English is awfull (I always need translation website ;-)…


            • This is the second time I have tried to post a comment, but I still don’t understand how this comment system works. Please delete my duplicate comments to keep a clean discussion.


              • Hi Yann, I hope you’ve been alerted about the xz issue, if you have built xz 5.6.0/5.6.1 from tarball with gcc you may want to take a look at the latest article.


  4. rhtoras here

    i spoke with superboxon author via e-mail
    he will keep an iso for all of us and will send a copy but please people send him an email too so he could keep the iso and maintain it
    distrowatch did not add his work because he has not any forum and all the strict policy they have to review or add distros and it’s a shame

    and he told me these:


    • RHTORA

      The box for setting a nickname for comments here has moved from top to bottom, in this wordpress web-ui crap we must still endure.

      This mastodon and diaspora rust code mess is not able to reproduce all sysdfree content, no simple way to move all this other than another wordpress server. No money honey!


    • I don’t know for how long appdevtools pastebin keeps posts so I am copying the content here from that link


      Hello *******,

      Well, the main concern I have with my project is that I don’t have time
      and I cannot think about every possible use case of the system by users
      and I don’t want to.

      superBoxon is mainly intended for my own computer use, and I don’t want
      to handle multiboot with Windows or another Linux, raid, luks, btrfs,
      zfs and all those exotic possibilities for use on the same computer. For
      me it just has to stay super simple, one ext4 disk for system and user
      data or one disk with a partition for system and a partition for user
      data or one disk for system and another one for user data and that’s it,
      no more fuss.

      what i need is: elogind free linux, not debianbased model but rolling
      stable model, poettering free experience and glibc for compatibility

      Well, you are right, this the main goal of my project.

      i would also love the idea of openrc as init … because parallel
      booting saves lives and it is better than sysVinit in a lot of ways…

      I fact, I think sysVinit is a better choice as I really like systems
      that work mainly with bash scripts. In the version I’m working on, I’m
      using now my own Slackware/Porteux improved variant and boot is now
      blazing fast. I’m also thinking to add parallelization to these scripts
      like the one used by debian Wheezy.

      I have some issues with OpenRC so I switched back to sysVinit, but it’s
      really simple to use OpenRC instead of sysVinit.

      send also to distrowatch message to review your distro as adelie did

      I have thinked to do that, but distrowatch say that you must have a
      fully working project with forum, wiki, issues tracking, etc… to be
      listed by them and I don’t have all of that.

      However, even if there aren’t many people who support my project, I can
      understand that there’s a demand for this, so here’s what I’ve been
      thinking about doing for the past few days:

      I will maintain a baremetal version of superBoxon with a release about
      every two months, knowing that it’s just a pure Slackware light with
      only the packages needed to works without elogind and pam. This is the
      same as the Slackware install CD and you can install it exactly as the
      Slackware and customize it exactly as the Slackware as it’s fully
      compatible with.

      The baremetal version is the version I use to build superBoxon.

      I’m currently working on what’s Slackware is missing the most if you
      don’t want use a slackbuild each time you need a software i.e. the
      software base for Linux and I need a little time to do something nice.

      we also have nosystemD telegram groups… come there and speak to us…

      Well I just speak French and I’m always using online translator because
      my English is really awfull and I don’t use social networks due to the
      very worrying political situation in my country.

      If you or someone else want to talk with me, you are welcome to use that
      email address.

      Regards, Yan


  5. How about adding T2sde? It is source based, supports glibc/musl, uses BSD style rc scripts and supports many cpu architectures as well.


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